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Asbestos Trust Funds - Bankrupt Asbestos Companies

Due to the overwhelming number of lawsuits filed against asbestos manufacturers, many manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of raw asbestos and asbestos-containing products have set aside over $30,000,000,000 ($30 Billion) in trust funds for victims of asbestos diseases (mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, other cancers). Many of these companies are listed below in addition to sites where the products were potentially used.

The Asbestos Legal Center specializes in filing claims with these numerous Asbestos Trust Funds. In the past 5 years alone, we have recovered over 40 million dollars from these funds for victims of asbestos-related diseases. Please contact us if you think you may have claims with any of the companies below.

A & I InsulationInsulations100%WV, KY, Ohio
A.P.I., Inc.Insulation/Contracting30%No Site List - Minnesota/ND exposures
A-BestInsulation21%Mostly Ohio, but also KY, MI and a number of other states
AC & SInsulation/contracting5.78%Hundreds of additional CA sites given to Trust to review
AmatexAsbestos Cloth and relatedTrust ClosedFile in Military, Shipyard, Power Plant, Industrial etc..
Armstong World IndustriesInsulation/Floor Tile Products26%Ships only in MD - Other Shipyards on List - Long Beach
ARTRA (synkoloid)Synkoloid-list of products on the website0.5%Have Living Clients sign dec indicating synko exposure
ASARCO, LLCFiber Supply - LAQ35%Exclusive Supplier to Garlock (1960's) and OCF (Kaylo 20) - Celotex too
Babcock and WilcoxBoilers - Refractories8.8%Don't rely solely on site list - many other sites qualify
Burns & RoeEngineering32%Site List
C.E. ThurstonInsulation50%Hundreds of Sites/Ships not on list - see me - pays good in IR
CelotexVarious Insulation7.7%File most everything - Military, Shipyard, Industrial etc.
Chicago Fire BrickRefractory - Firebrick20%Firebrick
Christy RefractoriesRefractories - Related to HKP (?)40%Midwest refractory company - Related to H.K. Porter? See ads
Combustion EngineeringBoilers/Refractories25%Besides boilers, allege exposures to CE refractories/castables
CongoleumFlooring - other12.5%Floor Tile Workers or with PID
Durodyne Asbestos TrustFlexible Connectors?DOJ Issues
E.J. Bartels
No Trust Website-Contact - Richard Hilfer (WA)
Insulation Supply/InstallationTrust ClosedTrust Closed - Money gone? - Most all Funds to Kazan and Brayton
Eagle PicherInsulation - Mud - Eagle 6628%File in Military, Shipyard, Power Plant, Industrial etc..
Federal Mogul (T&N, FLX, FER)Fiber/Insulation/Brakes-TN - 8.5%; FMP- 6.9%TN=Limpet, Flexitallic, Ferodo (3 trusts); FMP = Fel-Pro/Vellumoid
FibreboardInsulation Products6.7%Any OCF on West Coast manufactured by Fibreboard - Decent site list
FlintkoteMany - flooring, fiber supply, more…8%Terrible Site List - No fiber supply sites despite documentation
Fuller-Austin Insulation Company
Contact: Linda Harrell (903) 453-2160
Insulations16.2%3 years from Diagnosis/Death to file claims
George V. Hamilton Asbestos TrustInsulation Supplier - PA, WV, Ohio15%Insulation Supplier PA, OH, WV (see site list)
GI Holdings/GAFMany - flooring, roofing, more…7.4%Ruberoid, GAF Floor Tiles, Calsilite (website has a list of products)
Haliburton/DresserVarious Entities-Note - this is 2 Trusts60%2 Trusts - HW and Non-HW-Need good Decs-Lots of Sites
Hercules Asbestos TrustEast Cost - New Jersey - asbestos cement4.7%$15 filing fee
HK PorterAsbestos Cloth and related3%File in Military, Shipyard, Power Plant, Industrial etc..
J.T. Thorpe, CompanyInsulation/Refractory/Boiler Contractor23%Primarily Texas, but aslo LA, AR, KY, OK, CA and others
J.T. Thorpe, Inc.Refractory/Boiler Contractor30%Boiler contractor - primarily CA - 25 other states
Johns ManvilleEverything5%World's Biggest Asbestos Company
Kaiser Aluminum and ChemicalRefractories-Kaiser Shipyard Ships25%1000 Qualifying Ships not on Site Lists
KeeneAsbestos Cement0.8%File in Military, Shipyard, Power Plant, Industrial etc..
Leslie ControlsValves - Boiler Trim Valves - Others too5%Below Deck Navy - Other Industrial sites if living
LummusHeaters - Refineries14.7%2 possibilities - Feedwater and Non-feedwater claims
MaremontVehicle Related29.1%Grizzly and Maremont brake lings and clutch facings
MetexKentile Flooring8.3%Flooring - Construction
Motors Liquidation CompanyBrakes/Cloth18.7%Not just brakes…..Railroad!, Ships (w/ID), and many others - General Motors…
NARCO/HoneywellRefractory Cement-boiler products100%Narcolite - or Staz on; Valuable but nearly impossible to pass
National GypsumDrywall Related/Some Ships/Rockwool40%Get good "Gold Bond" affidavit for drywall/construction
Owens-CorningInsulation Products7.8%Huge Insulation Company
Pacor, Inc./Pacor Material Supply Co.Insulation - PA - part of JM Trust6.0%PA exposures - NJ Shipbuilding
Pittsburgh CorningInsulation30.1%Unibestos Pipe Covering and Block - Weak site list
Plant InsulationInsulation - Pipe and block - PABCO primarily11.5%Must file claims w/in 1 year of Date of Death unless exceptions - California(+) - Weak Site list
PlibricoRefractory1.36%Trust Funds Depleted at Inception - Payments way down
Porter HaydenInsulation Supply/Installation3%MD/VA Mostly
QuigleyCement - Fiber-insulag/Panelag3.6%Refractories - Insulag/Panelag - NO SITE LIST
RaytechBrakes/Cloth0.84%Use Declarations or Affidavits - Navy and Brake exposure presumed (mostly)
Shook & Fletcher Insulation CompanyBoiler/Insulation Work - About 10 States50%Must file w/in 3 years of diagnosis - Thousands of Ships qualify individuals - not on list
Swan Island/Tyler Pipe
Contact: Joyce Rutter (903) 453-2160 ext. 176
Tyler Texas Pipe Claims Only?Must work in the Unibestos facility - Tyler, TX; no secondary exposure claims; 1 year exposure required of which 1 day must be between 12/31/73-12/31/92; 3 year dodeath statute; no statute for living maligs
TH Agriculture & Nutrition, LLC (THAN)Fiber supply to many drywall companiesPayment percetage 30%Bondex - Kelly Moore Exposure
Thorpe Insulation Co.Insulation supplier and contractor51.8%Estimate over 400 million - JM Insulation - Southern California
U.S. Mineral Products CompanyFireproofingPayment Percetage 14%Site List - Fireproofing
UNRFiber Supply -Trust ClosedTrust Closed - Fiduciary waste….
USG / A.P. GreenDrywall Related/AP Green Refractories19.2%Sham Site List. Doesn't pay APG claims after 1968 and should (USG bought them)
Utex Industries
Contact: Kim Hodges (903) 453-2160 ext. 194
Gasket/Rope/Packing5%Texas Drilling exposure
W.R. GraceFireproofing-vermiculite etc…26%Primarily Fireproofiting sites
Western Asbestos TrustVarious Insulation Supply/Contracting51.1%Most Valuable Trust in the Country - Nationwide -Must file claims w/in 1 year of Date of Death unless exceptions
State Insulation Corp Asbestos P.I. TrustInsulation Contractor/Supplier1%New Jersey Insulation Products Distributor
Oakfabco Liquidating TrustKewanee BoilersNone - Liquidating TrustNo Site List (despite thousands of Kewanee Boiler sites known to Fiduciaries)
Garlock Sealing TechnologiesGarlock Gaskets - PackingToo lowNo Site List (despite Fiduciaries settling thousands of cases for known sites)
Brauer Supply CompanyInsulation Supply - Missouri, IL5.5%About 20 sites on site list - but some decent
Yarway Asbestos TrustSteam Traps - Valves (Navy - Power Plant etc..)Payment percentgage 25%Yarway Steam Traps
Client Reviews
"Just wanted you to understand how very thankful we are for everything you are doing for us. We haven't had anyone help us and look out for us like you have. It takes a very special person to do what you are doing, My father said just before he died that there would be someone that would come into my life to help me with his affairs. At that time I didn't understand what he was trying to say, but now I do. Again, thank you very much." Richard A Bennett, Client